:: Friday, June 27, 2003 ::
full throttle
what's not hot about a pretty asian girl with freckles. mm.
tell me I'd look that good in a wig and hand me a pair of stilettoes. all to drip sex better.
but this is probably just a phase so don't all worry, but more the still somewhat frequent flare of hormones
:: judy nguyen 7:46 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, June 23, 2003 ::
la dum.
coughing fit like I'm about to puke. but I don't feel sick.
in that way. in any case, it still bit.
what's with this new interface? it makes me uncertain, but it's still better than in interim.
:: judy nguyen 1:25 PM [+] ::
 You're sort of a shady character. You sneak into the city under the East River, and make a hasty exit soon after. But while the tourists may steer clear of your decrepit stations, you know you're essential to the commuters who depend on you.
Which New York City subway line are you? brought to you by Quizilla
:: judy nguyen 1:10 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, June 16, 2003 ::
I'm at home with nothing to do, and my sisters are television addicts. naturally I guess I exposed to the medium tenfold now.
and now most of it really isn't that weird. often annoying. maybe I'm mildy surprised at the lengths the populace (sorry) will go to, their delusions, but what I just saw five minutes ago was pretty shocking. I feel betrayed kind of. or maybe a little turned off.
so the tv's off now because my mom and ann have gone to bed. the premiere of a show called anything for love was on. the girl who went to strip for her estranged husband (only a year after the wedding! boohoo) to win him back was kind of sickly sweet in the last ditch for tv sort of way, but I would be surprised if it worked out. the guy who set hidden cameras on his cheating girl was a stupid tool. I'd be surprised that she had bothered leading him on enough for his chumpy vows of real love. but these are the kind of people who would turn to tv.
the guy who thought a girl he had met twice was his soulmate... it's hard to string words together. met her once, got her number, planned to attend a rave, but ditched the day before because he had a girlfriend, guilt. met her again at salt lake. chickened out and decided to drag the bullshit into the light of day. or at least on the fox network. now this girl, sarah, looked like she was trying. "I don't know what I'm here for, but I'm trying. and sure I guess I believe in love at first sight." and maybe she felt a draw the first time, but not when she met him again. and I don't know. I feel it's an unspoken rule for my peers or people who are kind of close not to drag this stuff out into the public. a loud shouting match in the mall food court, a wedding; least of all, tv.
are you trying to bring the everyone else onto your side? because you, the pathetic loser, can't bring it on on your own?
:: judy nguyen 6:59 PM [+] ::
this man thinks I am beautiful and would like to have a long-term relationship with me. well, so I'm told.
:: judy nguyen 2:04 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 ::
alan's asking me where my photos are. ha!
well elephant is so fucking hot that it deserves the full word. and though I think I knew better, I feel bad for writing them off as another ten-listen throwaway, a la the strokes or hot hot heat. I probably need to give interpol another spin.
what else is on heavy rotation in the local hotspot, j's bedroom, richly decorated with her ten-year-old sister's juvenalia?
getz/gilberto-joao gilberto, stan getz, antonio carlos jobim, and the lovely astrud gilberto
you are free-cat power
:: judy nguyen 7:23 PM [+] ::
life is slow. I haven't found a job yet. I wake up at noon and I still feel a need to nap. because it's just slow I guess.
in the past couple of days, I've started digging into joyce's ulysses again. (I stopped reading it the first time because too busy running away, I guess. assholes. and my dad expects his threats or any of his words to be taken seriously. I take them seriously in that I hate him.) reading a page-by-page guide breaks up the work and tempts me less to skim. or it does so far.
no new work on the novel. not for a while.
I'm kind of obssessed with a girl I've never met. a friend of e's. I know I would make out with her on the kitchen floor or in the movie theatre. though it's rarely as great as the desire in absentia when I actually get there.
I just noticed that I'm on her friends' list. my journal there is pretty defunct. but anyone can find me here from there. (and I feel strange about ending two consecutive paragraphs with the same sentence. though there is this parenthetical.)
:: judy nguyen 7:02 PM [+] ::